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Personality Dimensions® Facilitator Certification

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Personality Dimensions®Virtual Training developed by Prime Performance

This training will enable you to facilitate ‘Building Blocks’ foundation workshops and application workshops in your area of expertise such as: Teambuilding; Leadership; Conflict Management; Sales and Customer Service; Work-life Balance, and Career Development (qualified practitioners).

Personality Dimensions® Level I Qualified Facilitator

In this 21 hour training program (individual virtual workshops & skype coaching) you will experience and learn how to deliver Personality Dimensions® workshops for diverse groups and topics.

Personality Dimensions® Level II Qualified Facilitator

Contact for more information

MBTI and other Jungian-Type assessors and True Colors facilitators – 7 hour “bridging”

In this training program you will experience and learn how to deliver the Personality Dimensions® Building Blocks workshop. You will learn about the historical and practical developments in temperament, as well as the importance of each component of a Personality Dimensions® workshop and the ethical considerations for using the model appropriately. There is no exam.



“I have been trained by and been connected with Cecile for many years. Cecile trained me to become a facilitator of Personality Dimensions® workshops and, as a facilitator myself, her delivery of the session was extremely professional. As a facilitator and presenter she is always well prepared but, more importantly, is able to be flexible and adaptable to meet the needs of the participants; a skill she has obviously developed through years of experience. Further to this, Cecile has been an invaluable mentor for my Personality Dimensions work and a great support” – Marion Dunn, Career Practitioner

“Cecile is a terrific trainer. She really supported a learning environment specific to my needs. Cecile is flexible, professional and is great at what she does. Extremely organised and full of practical examples. Thank you Cecile – I love PD” – Lea Bowen, Level I PD Facilitator

Personality Dimensions for Career Practitioners

Personality Dimensions® fosters insights into others’ perspectives and into the corporate culture. This recognition of the needs of employers and colleagues contributes to career success by minimising workplace conflicts and maximising productivity.

Effective career management involves several key components. These include:

  • personal reflection

  • identifying career possibilities

  • researching changes in the workplace

  • making career decisions and implementing action plans

  • achieving career success and job satisfaction


Personality Dimensions®, as a one-on-one assessment instrument, enables clients to discover their clients’ natural skills and talents. The career practitioner can then use this as the reference point for reflecting on the various components of the client’s profile such as: job satisfiers, needs and values.

Career Dimensions®

The Career Dimensions® resource enables the practitioner to pinpoint these aspects of the client’s profile and provides a list of suitable careers for each Temperament.

Retirement Dimensions®

There is a growing exodus of baby boomers from all sectors of industry. Having a clear understanding of self (and other), at this important stage of life, is invaluable in making this stage fruitful and meaningful. There is evidence to show that temperament preferences shift in middle age with a concomitant “move” in what was previously considered meaningful for a particular temperament.

The workshop includes:

  • Introduction to Personality Dimensions®

  • Completion of a Retirement Dimensions™ questionnaire

  • Group activities which deepen understanding of individual needs and preferences

  • Debrief and comparison of similarities and differences for each of the four Temperaments

  • A planning activity to prepare for potential retirement challenges


  • Participants will discover what they need to truly enjoy their retirement

  • They will assess their values, strengths, concerns, interests, relationship preferences and philosophical view of retirement

  • Career Coaches will have a better perspective of what they need to discuss with their clients; of disparate temperaments

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